We need to investigate the couple for infertility if they are unable to conceive after 1 year of regular, unprotected intercourse if the woman’s age is less than 30. If a woman’s age is more than 30 then after 6 months of regular, unprotected intercourse we need to investigate the couple.

Basic investigation include

Best ivf Doctor in Lucknow It is led by Dr. Jyoti Jain Khemchandani, who is the Best Fertility Doctor in Lucknow.

We offer consultation for infertility, transvaginal scan for follicular monitoring, evaluation of ovarian reserve and uterus, ovary and endometrium, and IUI ( Intrauterine insemination ) at our center and if a couple requires IVF we refer them to an ethical IVF center.

Not all patients require IVF, there is very clear-cut indication for IVF.

A lot of fertility problems both in males and females can be treated by evaluation of couple at right time, counseling of patient about their fertility potential and by laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries.

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